As I watched my Mom shiver standing at the bus stop this morning from inside the warm car, I thought... what could I do to warm her up and make her day just a little happier? I then noticed the bottle of "Mommy's Drink" in the trunk space. Being the thoughtful gentleman that I am, I decided to bring it to her, sacrificing my own warmth and comfort.
When she noticed me toddling towards her with an empty fifth of vodka, she quickly tried to explain to the other mothers (from behind the crimson of her cheeks) that it must have been left in there from her golf weekend with my Dad. I personally don't think she was fooling anyone. We all know how she gets through a day with me, and it's not with rainbows and sunshine. Fess up "Lushie", we're onto you!
I don't think I had seen this one before! Oh, my! What a terrific image this has conjured! (Although I thought the ladies at the bus stop might be enabling this coping mechanism!)