While the convenience of my sitting in this type seat is appealing, my spontaneity should be the overwhelming factor in the decision to upgrade my travel accommodations. Case in point…
On the way home from a lovely date with my girl, I impulsively decided to unbuckle and relocate where I was sitting in the car. My Mom was too busy paying attention to the road to even notice my repositioning…that is until Ellie ratted me out.
In her soft and demure voice, she calmly said “Why Brennan walk around?”
With that, I was caught.
Come on, girl! I just took you to gymnastics followed by blueberry muffins and chocolate milk at Panera, and this is how you repay me?
Who am I kidding? My Ellie can do no wrong, and I will always come back for more.
So, it’s back to the 5-point harness for me, no matter how pitifully I plead otherwise.