Forgetting that I was not required to use a toilet for the duration of time spent with my Nanny & Pappy, my mom tried to take me out for some necessary errands and then to story time wearing just underpants. Upon arrival, she was reminded that I will do what I want, when I want...even if that means in my car seat.
True to form, she toweled me off in the library parking lot, put a spare diaper on me & marched my bare-legged behind into story time. Picture this...a diaper, a blue thermal shirt, blue & white striped socks, and that's it. She didn't even bother to put on my cool boots!
What am I, some sort of W.T. baby who snacks on his own runny nose & bathes in puddles?
I have a reputation to uphold! How am I supposed to be taken seriously with all that baby padding? I saw some of my peeps, and couldn't explain my appearance, so I just pretended to be a dog.
She made a half-hearted effort to ask a few other moms with boys about my size if they had any spare pants, with no success. So there I sat, in nothing but a Target-Brand diaper, forced to sing "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and listen to Ms. Jaque read another book upside down.
If you think this game of tug-o-war is over, you have another think coming, Lady. IT'S ON!
You may have won the battle, but I will surely dominate in the war!
PS-If you think high-fructose-corn-syrup stuck to a toilet bowl via ketchup is hard to get off, just wait & see what's in store for you when I wake up from my nap...